If I Were The Island Caretaker…

…I’d throw a housewarming party and invite all the locals. Who knows the island better than them?

…I would drive a golf cart on the left. Luckily I already know how to do that from my trips to The Bahamas.

…I’d have sunset cocktails at a place called One Tree Hill. Seriously!

…I’d learn to wakeboard and water ski. Can you believe I never learned growing up in Florida?

…Hodgie and I would fish for our supper and cook it on the grill.

…I’d go croc-spotting. I know a thing or two about aquatic reptiles.

…I’d take a seaplane to Heart Reef. Like James Bond, but with less danger.

…I’d attempt a bike tour even though I am the worst 27-year-old bike rider in the world. Glad that’s not a Tourism Queensland official requirement.

…I would make a list of indigenous sea creatures and check them off scavenger-hunt style.

…the stacks of books on my table might actually get read.

…I’d never have to wonder what to wear to work. The answer would always be the same. Swimsuit. Sunglasses. Flip-flops. Done.

…I’d adopt the local vernacular. I can’t wait to say whilst.

…I could do my own laundry at my own house. I’d take the job for that perk alone.

…I’d scuba dive my face off.

…I might spend the majority of my salary on spa treatments at qualia.

…I’d veg on the beach and turn an absolutely sublime shade of tan.

…Hodgie, Quijibo and I would go bushwalking and beach trekking. We’ve always been into hiking.

…I’d nosh on fish and chips at Popeye’s – NOT the one we have here, sillies!

…balmy, sunny weather would be the rule, not the exception.

…I’d make some special friends at the Koala Gallery Wildlife Experience.

…golf! I’ve been dying to try it and haven’t had the time. Look out, Tiger.

…I’d watch the sun rise from Passage Peak.

…my sleep would never be interrupted by sirens – only exotic birds and crashing waves.

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